
We strive to make a joyful noise to the Lord every Sunday.

Music is a central element of liturgical life at Emmanuel. From hymns that are familiar to us, to works that expand our musical horizons, we strive to make a joyful noise to the Lord every Sunday. Our church is blessed with rich acoustics and a fine Franz Heissler tracker organ. At the most basic level, we attempt to familiarize the Congregation as fully as practical with the contents of the Hymnal 1982, to maintain a sound traditionalist program of Anglican/Episcopal Church Music and to pursue excellence. Our goal is diocesan leadership in parochial music making.

Four opportunities for ministry in the music program are maintained by the parish at this time:

A Choir of mixed voices rehearses weekly except in summer, and sings for the 10:15 Eucharist all year. These dedicated folk also provide music for special services like Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, certain mid-week feasts and the occasional Evensong. Membership is open to all who can carry a tune.

A Bell Choir rehearses weekly except in Summer, and plays for services as works become ready for presentation. The parish owns a beautiful and carefully maintained three-octave set of Whitechapel (England) Handbells for the ensemble’s use. Membership is open to all who can count the beats in a musical measure and distinguish right from left.

A Men’s Schola assembles twice a year to sing Evensong on the first Sunday of Advent and the Office of Tenebrae on the Wednesday of Holy Week. The ensemble specializes in plainsong Psalmody. Again, membership is open to those who can carry a tune.

The Music Guild is a group of parishioners and friends who undertake promotion of the Parish’s music
programs, and encourage the contributions required to underwrite the expenses of non-budgetary
program enhancements, such as a String Quartet for Lessons and Carols and special guests for Easter
Day. Any who wish to support this work may join.

If you have questions about any of our choir groups, please contact our director, Jack Austin, by submitting the form below.

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