We Are Your Place


Acolytes: A great way for children Grade 6 and older to serve God.

Altar Guild: Prepare the altar for service. No experience necessary-training provided.

Bread Guild: Using Emmanuel’s recipe, make bread for the Eucharist.

Flower Guild: Arrange altar flowers-come learn how. Lessons provided.

Lay Readers and Lay Eucharist Ministers: Assist during worship or take Eucharist to homebound members.

Ushers: Greet worshipers and assist with offertory and communion duties.


Adult Choir: Lead the singing during worship. Anyone who can carry a tune is welcome!

Handbell Choir: Another group that makes a joyful noise. Training given.

Music Guild: Help support the Music Program at Emmanuel.


Outreach Committee: Plan disbursement of funds to help others beyond our parish.

Membership Services

Coffee Hosts: Provide coffee and hospitality following church services.

Emmanuel Life: Help with our monthly newsletter or comment e-Newsletter.

Greeters: Welcome people on Sunday, carry bread and wine to altar.

Hospitality: Help provide food and support for parish receptions, other events.

Newcomers/Visitors: Develop ways to help new arrivals feel at home. Arrange to give tours of our sanctuary, including the beautiful stained glass windows.

Pastoral Care: Provide meals for those who are ill, rides for those needing transportation.

Prayer Chain: Offer prayer as requested for those in need.

Stephen Ministry: Support ministry for those in life crises, both in and outside the parish. Training provided. Contact Joan Dagon, or Terri Godsell.

Website and e-mail:  Communication is always an important in the life of a church community. Contact Ginny Justice if you’re interested in helping with the website or e-mailing others. [email protected].

Christian Formation

Children’s Ministry: Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and more.

Youth Ministry: Sunday evening get-togethers and other events, Grade 6 and above.

Adult Education: Sunday School, Bible studies, Lenten programs, etc.

Cursillo: “Short course” in Christianity to enable, empower, and equip believers.

EFM: A four-year course enabling every baptized person to carry out ministries given to all believers.

Physical Plant and Finance

Budget and Finance: Plan our finances, guided by our treasurer.

Building and Grounds: Keep our building and grounds in shape-help is always needed.

Gatekeepers: Unlock and lock up the church before and after Sunday services.

Stewardship: Implement ways of encouraging us to share time, talent, and treasure for the spread of God’s Kingdom.


Call the Parish Office at at the 689-710-9603 for more
information on these ministries and who to contact for each area.